Friday, September 27, 2019


Q: Who is at higher risk of Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH)? 

A) Males 
B) Females 

Answer: B

Lumbar puncture (LP) is a common procedure in ICU. There are many risk factors for PDPH. Female gender, pregnancy,  and young age are the major risk factors. This has been attributed to high levels of circulating estrogen.



1. Wu CL, Rowlingson AJ, Cohen SR, et al. Gender and post-dural puncture headache. Anesthesiology 2006; 105:613.

2. Khlebtovsky A, Weitzen S, Steiner I, et al. Risk factors for post lumbar puncture headache. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2015; 131:78. 

3. Amorim JA, Gomes de Barros MV, Valença MM. Post-dural (post-lumbar) puncture headache: risk factors and clinical features. Cephalalgia 2012; 32:916. 

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