Q: Which of the following HIV drugs can be crushed?
A) Tenofovir
B) Ritonavir
Answer: A
The objective of above question is to highlight the pearl that "all HIV drugs are not created equal". This becomes more important as many HIV patients cannot swallow pills due to underlying candidal esophagitis.
When it comes to HIV meds, conversion from tablet to liquid form may not be equal. Similarly, some can be crushed and some can not be.
Pharmacy should be consulted prior to making any change in patients' medication profile.
1. Nyberg CR, Patterson BY, Williams MM. When patients cannot take pills: Antiretroviral drug formulations for managing adult HIV infection topics. Top Antivir Med 2011; 19:126.
2. Swindells S, Flexner C, Fletcher CV, Jacobson JM. The critical need for alternative antiretroviral formulations and obstacles to their development. J Infect Dis 2011; 204:669.
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