Q: Constipation and ileus is a frequent issue in ICU. What are the dangers of using sodium phosphate enemas in elderly patients?
Answer: Sodium phosphate enema is usually well tolerated in most patients. But it may cause complications in elderly patients, particularly above the age of 80. It may cause hypotension, volume depletion, hyperphosphatemia, hypo- or hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, severe hypocalcemia, renal failure, and prolonged QT interval.
1. Ori Y, Rozen-Zvi B, Chagnac A, et al. Fatalities and severe metabolic disorders associated with the use of sodium phosphate enemas: a single center's experience. Arch Intern Med 2012; 172:263.
2. Mendoza J, Legido J, Rubio S, Gisbert JP. Systematic review: the adverse effects of sodium phosphate enema. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007; 26:9.
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