Q: Which of the following is the most common fistula formation as one of the complications of diverticulitis? (select one)
A) colovesical
B) colovaginal
C) coloenteric
D) colocutaneous
Answer: A
Fistula formation is one of the dreaded complications of diverticulitis, which usually requires surgical management. In about a quarter of the patients who require surgery for diverticular disease, fistulas are found. Most of the fistulas are formed from diverticulitis in the sigmoid colon. 65% of the time, it is colovesical fistulas, followed by colovaginal. Other fistulas are coloenteric, colouterine, and colocutaneous. In rare cases, it can be multiple.
1. Woods RJ, Lavery IC, Fazio VW, et al. Internal fistulas in diverticular disease. Dis Colon Rectum 1988; 31:591.
2. Di Buono G, Bonventre G, Buscemi S, Randisi B, Romano G, Agrusa A. The colovescical fistula in diverticular disease: Laparoscopic approach in two different cases. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;77S(Suppl):S112-S115. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2020.09.044. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32972892; PMCID: PMC7876919.
3. Wassef R, Morgan S, Tassé D, Bernard D. Les fistules dans la maladie diverticulaire du côlon: étude de 29 cas [Fistulas in diverticular disease of the colon: study of 29 cases]. Can J Surg. 1983 Nov;26(6):546-9. French. PMID: 6627148.
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