Sunday, February 18, 2024

Screening test for claustrophobic feeling in MRI

Q: 34 years old female is scheduled to go for a brain MRI in ICU. She never had an MRI before but has heard of claustrophobic feelings in MRIs. A screening test is requested from radiology. Which of the following is NOT a part of the screening test? (select one)

A) Tied up with hands behind back for 15 minutes
B) Standing for 15 minutes in a straight jacket
C) Working under a sink for 15 minutes
D) Lying on a bottom bunk bed
E) Driving long distance in an electric car 

Answer: E

A six-question test can fairly easily screen patients for MRI-induced claustrophobia. A score of nine or above is found to be highly predictive of panic during the scan. 

The core is divided into two parts with each section having three questions. Each question is graded from 0 to 4 (Not at all anxious to Extremely anxious)

Restriction items
1. Tied up with hands behind back for 15 minutes
2. Standing for 15 minutes in a straightjacket
3. Having your legs tied to an immovable chair

Suffocation items
1. Working under a sink for 15 minutes
2. Standing in an elevator on the ground floor with the doors closed
3. Lying on a bottom bunk bed



McIsaac HK, Thordarson DS, Shafran R, Rachman S, Poole G. Claustrophobia and the magnetic resonance imaging procedure. J Behav Med. 1998 Jun;21(3):255-68. doi: 10.1023/a:1018717016680. PMID: 9642571.

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