Saturday, February 23, 2019

"new-onset diabetes after transplantation" (NODAT)

Q: All of the following are true regarding "posttransplant diabetes" (PTDM) in kidney patients except

 A) new kidney metabolizes and excretes insulin less efficiently 
B) new kidney is gluconeogenic 
C) Immunosuppression medications are diabetogenic 
D) Age is a risk factor 
E) hepatitis C virus infection is a predisposing factor 

Answer: A

The new designated term for "posttransplant diabetes" (PTDM) is "new-onset diabetes after transplantation" (NODAT).

All of the above choices are true except A. 

The objective of the above question is to highlight the less known fact that newly transplanted kidney metabolizes and excretes insulin more efficiently, exposing patient to hyperglycemia.




1. Davidson J, Wilkinson A, Dantal J, et al. New-onset diabetes after transplantation: 2003 International consensus guidelines. Proceedings of an international expert panel meeting. Barcelona, Spain, 19 February 2003. Transplantation 2003; 75:SS3. 

2. Sharif A, Hecking M, de Vries AP, et al. Proceedings from an international consensus meeting on posttransplantation diabetes mellitus: recommendations and future directions. Am J Transplant 2014; 14:1992.

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