Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A- line technique

Q: While inserting arterial line which approach has the better chance of first stick success?

A) Direct puncture

B) Use of a guidewire

Answer:  B

Studies have shown that the guidewire approach either separate-guidewire or integral-guidewire has a better chance of success on the first stick than a direct puncture. 

Also, direct puncture takes longer to perform, and more attempts with the use of more catheters.



Beards SC, Doedens L, Jackson A, Lipman J. A comparison of arterial lines and insertion techniques in critically ill patients. Anaesthesia 1994; 49:968. 

Mangar D, Thrush DN, Connell GR, Downs JB. Direct or modified Seldinger guide wire-directed technique for arterial catheter insertion. Anesth Analg 1993; 76:714.

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