Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Q: Describe at least five uses of clonidine besides its use in the treatment of hypertension (HTN)?

Answer: Although Clonidine's main indication is HTN, it has been used successfully (mostly off-label) in many other situations such as

  • adjunctive anesthetic sedation and analgesia
  • spinal anesthesia
  • opioid detoxification
  • alcohol withdrawal
  • smoking cessation
  • postmenopausal hot flashes 
  • attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity
  • refractory conduct disorder
  • sleep disturbances in children 


1. Nishina K, Mikawa K, Uesugi T, et al. Efficacy of clonidine for prevention of perioperative myocardial ischemia: a critical appraisal and meta-analysis of the literature. Anesthesiology 2002; 96:323. 

2. Riordan CE, Kleber HD. Rapid opiate detoxification with clonidine and naloxone. Lancet 1980; 1:1079. 

3. Stanley KM, Worrall CL, Lunsford SL, et al. Experience with an adult alcohol withdrawal syndrome practice guideline in internal medicine patients. Pharmacotherapy 2005; 25:1073. 

4. Glassman AH, Stetner F, Walsh BT, et al. Heavy smokers, smoking cessation, and clonidine. Results of a double-blind, randomized trial. JAMA 1988; 259:2863. 

5. Clayden JR, Bell JW, Pellard P. Menopausal flushing: double-blind trial of a non-hormonal medication. Br Med J 1974; 9:490. 

6. Schnoes CJ, Kuhn BR, Workman EF, Ellis CR. Pediatric prescribing practices for clonidine and other pharmacologic agents for children with sleep disturbance. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2006; 45:229.

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