Saturday, May 18, 2024

C. Diff - Adjuvant Treatment

Q: Name at least 3 antibiotics/medicines that may be used as adjuvants in treating C. diff. colitis along with Fidaxomicin, Metronidazole, or oral Vancomycin.


Many antibiotics have shown partial or full activity against C. Diff. To name a few for use, particularly in suspected relapsing outbreaks, are:
  • Rifampin
  • Linezolid 
  • Teicoplanin
  • Cholestyramine (anion-exchange resin agent)
  • Nitazoxanide
  • Rifaximin
  • Tinidazole
  • Probiotics


1. Oksi J, Anttila VJ, Mattila E. Treatment of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infection. Ann Med. 2020 Feb-Mar;52(1-2):12-20. doi: 10.1080/07853890.2019.1701703. Epub 2019 Dec 13. PMID: 31801387; PMCID: PMC7877971.

2. Kelly CR, Fischer M, Allegretti JR, LaPlante K, Stewart DB, Limketkai BN, Stollman NH. ACG Clinical Guidelines: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infections. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Jun 1;116(6):1124-1147. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001278. Erratum in: Am J Gastroenterol. 2022 Feb 1;117(2):358. PMID: 34003176.

3. Normington C, Chilton CH, Buckley AM. Clostridioides difficile infections; new treatments and future perspectives. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2024 Jan 1;40(1):7-13. doi: 10.1097/MOG.0000000000000989. Epub 2023 Nov 9. PMID: 37942659; PMCID: PMC10715702.

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