Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wrong-site procedure

Q: Which procedure has the commonest wrong site error incidence?

Answer: A wrong-site nerve block 

Unfortunately, despite many written checklists, wrong-site surgery/procedure remains a leading and embarrassing complication in surgery. Although site marking based on imaging is the easiest to prevent, it remains one of the leading underlying misses.

A wrong site nerve block occurs in an estimated 0.53 to 5.07 per 10,000 regional blocks.

#surgical critical care


1. Neily J, Mills PD, Eldridge N, et al. Incorrect surgical procedures within and outside of the operating room. Arch Surg 2009; 144:1028.

2. Devine J, Chutkan N, Norvell DC, Dettori JR. Avoiding wrong site surgery: a systematic review. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2010; 35:S28.

3. Deutsch ES, Yonash RA, Martin DE, et al. Wrong-site nerve blocks: A systematic literature review to guide principles for prevention. J Clin Anesth 2018; 46:101.

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